[Wien] LAPW1 error

lokanath patra lokanath.patra007 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 15:48:35 CET 2015

Dear Prof Blaha,
   I am running an anti-ferromagnetic calculation for Chromium.When I run
the SCF calculation via w2web ,its running fine.But when i try to run it
through script(.sh) file,it is showing LAPW1 error.As I am a new user,I
can't solve this problem.Please help me in solving this problem.The script
file is given below.

#SBATCH --job-name=Cu
#SBATCH --ntasks=6
#SBATCH --account=nn2875k
#SBATCH --time=60:30:0
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4GB
#SBATCH --constraint=ib

ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -l unlimited
ulimit -m unlimited

source /etc/profile
source /cluster/bin/jobsetup
module load lapack intel intelmpi.intel openmpi.intel fftw

# Setting some variables.

# making scratch directory
mkdir -p $SCRATCH/Cr

# Goto run dir
cd $RUN

#Create .machines file
echo "granularity:1" > .machines
echo "extrafine:1" >> .machines
sed 's/com/1:com/g' $TMPDIR/machines >> .machines

# Copy inpufiles to common scratch
cp $WORK/*.in* $RUN
cp $WORK/*.struct $RUN
cp $WORK/*.klist* $RUN
cp $WORK/*.kgen* $RUN
cp $WORK/Cr.clmsum $RUN/Cr.clmsum
cp $WORK/*.rsp* $RUN


Lokanath Patra
Ph.D Scholar
Dept. of Physics
School of Applied and Basic Sciences
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu - 610101
Ph no - +91-8675834507
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