[Wien] EFG dependence on magnetic field

Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
Thu Sep 3 23:27:46 CEST 2015

To apply external magnetic field Bext inside atomic sphere [1-3] and 
control its direction, see the section "Input for interaction with Bext 
(nmod=3)" on page 113 in section "7.3.3 Input" of the WIEN2k 14.2 
usersguide [4].

[4] http://www.wien2k.at/reg_user/textbooks/usersguide.pdf

P.S. The image in your email that I received was broken (missing).

On 9/3/2015 2:06 PM, Muhammad Sajjad wrote:
> Dear user
> I am interested to check how electric field gradient behaves when 
> external magnetic field is applied. My question is how can we apply 
> magnetic field in wien2k? I remember in soc calculation my choose some 
> magnetisation direction in case.inrob file. Is it magnetic field or 
> what? Can we apply magnetic field at some angle say H is making an 
> angle of 32 degree with (100) axis as showmen below?
> Thank you
> M. Sajjad
> -- 
> Kind Regards
> Muhammad Sajjad
> Post Doctoral Fellow

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