[Wien] Difference in DOS (LDA+U) between ver.09.1 and ver.14.2
s-taro at alto.material.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Thu Sep 17 10:04:29 CEST 2015
Dear Wien users,
I calculated DOS of a perovskite-type oxide, LaCoO3(R-3C). For simple spin-polarized calculation, I got substantially the same DOS output with WIEN2k ver.09.1 and ver.14.2 using the same input parameters.
But when I used LDA+U(SIC) method to improve the description of Co 3d electrons after the calculation without LDA+U converged, the DOS with WIEN2k ver. 14.2 was different from the one with WIEN2k ver. 09.1.
The difference is most clearly observed in the PDOS for Co-dz2 down-spin. For example, the peak of the PDOS from WIEN2k ver.14.2 and 09.1 locate at the Fermi level and 1 eV, respectively, with the U of 2.7 eV. Moreover, the PDOS from ver.14.2 stays at the Fermi level regardless of the U value (ranging between 2.7 eV and 7.5 eV), while the one from ver.09.1 well responds to the U value, shifting to higher energy with the U.
With ver.14.2, a similar PDOS sticking to the Fermi level is observed also for Co(dx2y2-dxy) and (dxz-dyz) in up-spin.
My question:
Why were the DOS's different between WIEN2k ver. 09.1 and WIEN2k ver. 14.2 although I used the same input parameters ?
Some of the input information is attached below. I would appreciate if you could give me some advices or comments.
The input files and parameters are following:
Space group: R-3c
Lattice parameters in bohr
Inequivalent Atoms: 3
Atom 1: La RMT=2.37
Pos 1: x=y=z=0.25
Pos 2: x=y=z=0.75
Atom 2:Co RMT=1.87
Pos 1: x=y=z=0
Pos 2: x=y=z=0.5
Atom 3: O RMT=1.65
Pos 1: x=0.20030001 y=0.2997 z=0.75
Pos 2: x=0.75 y=0.20030001 z=0.2997
Pos 3: x=0.2997 y=0.75 z=0.20030001
Pos 4: x=0.79969999 y=0.7003 z=0.25
Pos 5: x=0.25 y=0.79969999 z=0.7003
Pos 6: x=0.7003 y=0.25 z=0.79969999
Initialize Calc.:
x nn: distance factor = 2
inst_gen: u(default)
case.in1: nband = 106
emax = 2.5(WIEN2k ver. 09.1)
de = 2.0(WIEN2k ver. 14.2)(because of EF = 0.5)
case.in1_st: nband = 106
emax = 2.5(WIEN2k ver. 09.1)
de = 2.0(WIEN2k ver. 14.2)(because of EF = 0.5)
case.in2: EMIN = -9.0
case.in2_st: EMIN = -9.0
case.in2_ls: EMIN = -9.0
case.inm: BROYD/PRATT scheme = MSEC1
mixing factor = 0.05
k points: 10000
command: runsp_lapw -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.00001 -i 200 -p
For LDA+U method:
-9. Emin cutoff energy
1 number of atoms for which density matrix is calculated
2 1 2 index of 1st atom, number of L's, L1
0 0 r-index, (l,s)index
1 1 0 nmod, natorb, ipr
2 1 2 iatom nlorb, lorb
1 nsic 0..AFM, 1..SIC, 2..HFM
0.1985 0.00 U J (Ry) Note: we recommend to use U_eff = U-J and J=0
command: runsp_lapw -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.00001 -i 200 -p -orb
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