[Wien] Seeking info on the spin specification of BFO generated from P1 space group.

213214018 at nitt.edu 213214018 at nitt.edu
Tue Apr 12 16:09:18 CEST 2016

I currently work on DFT based studies of BFO system in particular for  
the AFM calculations I have manipulated the BiFeO3(R3c) hexagonal  
positions and fitted it into P1 space group(30 positions), But while  
executing instigen_lapw the below notice popped up,

Specify options for instgen_lapw
Chose atomic configurations as:
     spin up (default)
     spin dn
     no spin-polarization
     selected below: chose u,d,n for each atom. (For AFM calculations  
you must define the proper magnetic order here !!! )
Selections with more than 20 atoms are not supported in this interface.

Is it a disability of the w2web to proceed with the above settings???

If so I seek details on proceeding the calculation with the  
Terminal(Command Interface) ...


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