[Wien] basic questions

Dr. K. C. Bhamu kcbhamu85 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 22:10:54 CET 2016

Dear Prof Blaha and Wien2k user  community

I am running my job on remote server with 2 nodes with multi cores.
scf was conversed successfully.

I have few basic questions:

1. Is it possible to run all further calculation on a single PC/laptop
using previous server files? I think no. (For example, I want to run x
lapw2 -fermi -p/x optic -p/ x joint -p/ x karam -p on local PC and I want
single case.scf, case.energy and case.mat_* files ti run on my local PC.
2. how to generated case.klist_band file on terminal (for each core)?
    I do it as: take files from server to local PC and then generate it
using xcrysden and then load all files on server again.
3. After run_lapw I always submit a separate job for each command after
finishing previous one. Is there any way so that I can write all steps for
a particular job (i.e. for band or DOSs of Optical properties) and submit
the job? or I have to submit a separate job for each command as I am doing

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