[Wien] Regarding problem in insp file

Lyudmila Dobysheva lyuka17 at mail.ru
Tue May 23 21:30:00 CEST 2017

> Thu 23 May 2017, 17:22 +04:00 from mandeep hooda <mandeep103 at gmail.com>:
> I don't think that the exe-file of spaghetti is corrupted. I run calculations for TiC, it's working fine. I also deleted insp file and regenerated. This time it is showing error at different line. I don't know what it is.

You should give details. Now it is not clear, for example: what means "regenerated"?
What is the new insp file?
"Showing error at different line" - what line?
Look at error files in the directory, are they all empty?
As far as I understand you make with w2web? If so - repeat in terminal the command "x spaghetti" and copy the output. 

Usually, flying error may appear if the memory during calculation is overwritten, due to large arrays, for example.

Best wishes

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