[Wien] x lapw2 -p asking for password to nodes

Maciej Polak maciej.polak at pwr.edu.pl
Thu Oct 12 03:36:29 CEST 2017

Dear WIEN2k community,

I am faced with a problem, where the "x lapw2 -p" procedure on my cluster asks me for passwords to all the nodes it uses:

calculating QTL's from parallel vectors
mpolak at wn0125.ib.trojan.kdm.wcss.pl's password:

no matter what I do after i get:

Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for mpolak

And it repeats for all the nodes that are used.

This only happens when i invoke "x lapw2 -p" by itself, the lapw2 within the flow of "run_lapw" correctly uses the passwordless command for communicating between nodes that is specified as a part of the ./siteconfig_lapw for compilaton.

I am not allowed to log in directly into nodes, so no password works, and even if it did, I want the job to run without my input, like all the other do, and use the ssh method provided with the compilation.

Is there a fix to this? If i'm not mistaken, this issue started with WIEN2k 16.1 and persists through version 17.1. All other parts i use (lapw0,1 and lapwso) work as expected with no problems.

I would really appreciate help in this matter.

Best regards

Maciej Polak
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