[Wien] Fold2Bloch in parallel mode

Tristan de Boer tristan.deboer at usask.ca
Tue Oct 17 19:21:59 CEST 2017

Dear WIEN2k Users,
I'm trying to use Fold2Bloch for a calculation in which I've done
'x lapw1 -c -p -band'. In this case, the case.vector file is empty, and 
I have several case.vector_# files. If I simply execute fold2bloch using 
the case.vector_1 as an input it warns me that the case.klist file has 
more K-points than the vector file. Is there a way to provide as input 
multiple case.vector_# files, or can I only use this program having done 
'x lapw1 -c -band' in a non-parallel mode?
Best Regards,

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