[Wien] Fermi-contact hyperfine fields
pieper at ifp.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Sep 22 14:32:07 CEST 2017
Thanks a lot for the explanation. So, since my main interest is magnetic
materials moments on outer shells polarizing core s-electrons will
remain problematic ... (sigh)
Dr. Martin Pieper
Karl-Franzens University
Institute of Physics
Universitätsplatz 5
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43-(0)316-380-8564
Am 21.09.2017 17:09, schrieb Peter Blaha:
> Hi,
> No, Fermi-contact term has not "improved", we are still using the same
> GGA approximation.
> However, in bcc Fe (a ferromagnet) the situation is usually VERY
> different from a NMR calculation.
> In bcc Fe the main contribution comes from the core electrons (3s),
> which respond to the huge 3d moment and the hyperfine field is 30 T
> !!!!. The localized core electrons are not well describe by GGA.
> In NMR for paramagnetic metals, often (not always) the main
> contribution comes from an reoccupation of the valence 4s (or 5s in 4d
> elements, ...) and this valence electrons are "hopefully" well
> described by GGA.
> It is true, however, that sometimes the 3d DOS at EF is large, which
> introduces a 3d moment and also some sizable core response to the HFF.
> However, the fields are only ppm of 100T, so much much smaller.
> (PS: we know for instance that the shift in hcp Sc is completely wrong
> in DFT calculations, because GGA seems to overestimate magnetism).
> Peter
> Am 21.09.2017 um 13:37 schrieb pieper:
>> Dear Wien2k users,
>> I have a question about the Fermi-contact fields printed at the HFFnnn
>> labels in the scf file.
>> Back in 2010 Peter Blaha advised in this mailing list that the
>> Fermi-contact interaction can be underestimated at least for 3d-metals
>> like Fe by 10 - 20%
>> [www.mail-archive.com/wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg02201.html]
>> and Pavel Novak indicated that in his opinion it might be difficult to
>> correct this misbehaviour by some suitable local or semi-local Vxc
>> [www.mail-archive.com/wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/msg03011.html].
>> Since this was pre-NMR-package and at the beginning of hybrids I
>> wonder wether the situation has improved in the meantime? The
>> NMR-package as I understand it calculates shielding current
>> distributions so I don't expect it improves on Fermi-contact fields -
>> is that correct? And is there a way to get improved values from
>> hybrids that I am unaware of?
>> Best regards,
>> Martin Pieper
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