[Wien] total energy with SO+orb(H_ext)

mazin mazin at nrl.navy.mil
Thu Dec 20 16:09:49 CET 2018

Thank you Peter for the prompt reply. Sorry, I could not figure out how 
to post a reply so that it would have stayed in the same thread, so I 
post anew.

Yes, that would work. However, if I may suggest, I'd rather replace the 
existing option "3" with the one that does that. Indeed, an option where 
one part of the total energy (S*H) is dealt with according to one 
definition and the other (L*H) (if I understand the situation 
correctly)to another is liable to confused the users too much to be useful.


[Wien] total energy with SO+orb(H_ext)
Peter Blaha pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Dec 20 08:44:32 CET 2018
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Dear Igor,

Thanks for the report.

If I'm right, then the L*H term is calculated in orb (and added to E-tot
in mixer.

I could imagine adding an option "4" in case.inorb, which is identical
to case 3, but does not write this term.

Would that make sense to you ??

Igor Mazin, NRL, code 6390, 4555 Overlook Ave SW, Washington, DC 20375
Phone: (202) 767-6990; Fax: (202) 404-7546; e-mail mazin at nrl.navy.mil
Home page (private) http://igormazin.us/

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