[Wien] DOS and Bandstructure not matching for nonmagnetic GGA+U+SOC calculations

Víctor Luaña Cabal victor at fluor.quimica.uniovi.es
Sat Jul 21 14:52:25 CEST 2018


It is becoming common sending a single letter with the only content of
"Thanks". I love thanking the people that solves my difficulties, and I
love noticing that other persons follow my same civic rules, BUT

1) Filling a list with messages of such a low content is not the most
efficient way of doing it

2) a personal thank you to the personal address of the thanked person
may be enough

3) there was a time in which the person receiving the help could work on
a more detailed report of the causes of the problem and how it was
finally solved. That is *most useful* and I let myself write this as a
recommendation in the open. I know that such a thing requires work, but
it also helps improving the mastery of the reporter. Remember that the
real mark of a master is creating tools useful for third persons.

Thanks for reading me,
                      Víctor Luaña

    .  .     One should not treat others in ways that one would not like
   / `' \    to be treated
  /(o)(o)\   (Golden rule of ethics)
 /`. \/ .'\  
/   '`'`   \ "Freedom!, freedom!, freedom! After that put whatever
|  \'`'`/  | term you like"
|  |'`'`|  |  --Largo Caballero (socialist, spanish president in the exile,
 \/`'`'`'\/   shortly before dying)
==(((==)))===================================+ A person is slave of his words
! Dr.Víctor Luaña, in silico chemist & prof. ! and owner of his silences.
! Departamento de Química Física y Analítica !
! Universidad de Oviedo, 33006-Oviedo, Spain ! "Never let your sense of morals
! e-mail:  <victor at fluor.quimica.uniovi.es>  ! prevent you from doing what is
! phone: +34-984080927    fax: +34-985103125 ! right." 
+--------------------------------------------+ -- Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"
 GroupPage: <http://azufre.quimica.uniovi.es/>
 Articles:  <http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ibl1BWAAAAAJ&hl=es>
 git-hub:   <https://github.com/aoterodelaroza>
 ORCID: 0000-0003-4585-4627; RID: H-2045-2015

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