[Wien] Convergence problem in the calculation of atoms

Abhilash Patra abhilashpatra at niser.ac.in
Mon Jul 23 17:58:58 CEST 2018

Dear Wien2k users,
I want to calculate the energy of atoms using Wien2k_17.1. We place an atom
e.g. C in the box size of 25 Bohr and follow all the default convergence
criteria for the calculation. We are trying to calculate both
spin-polarized and unpolarized cases taking only one kpoint (1 1 1). In the
spin-polarised calculation, we are facing the energy convergence problem
i.e. ETEST is fluctuating even after 40 cycles. And in the spin-unpolarized
case, we are facing QTL-B Error after some cycles. We would like to request
to give some suggestion to solve the above problem. Thank you in advance.

Abhilash Patra
Research Scholar
School of Physical Sciences
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