[Wien] Core electron energy with hybrid functional

Oleg Rubel rubelo at mcmaster.ca
Tue Jul 24 23:08:10 CEST 2018

Dear Wien2k Community,

I am trying to get a band offset for a semiconductor heterostructure GaP 
wurtzite/zinc blende using 1S electron core states of Ga and P as a 
reference. Wurtzite and zinc blende phases are calculated separately 
using the following command:
run_lapw -ec 0.00001 -cc 0.0001  -hf -p

When I look into the SCF file, I see alternating gaps (hybrid and PBE) 
which is normal according to the UG. Below is the output from a GaP-zb 
SCF file:

[rubel at gra-login1 GaP-zb]$ grep -e :GAP -e :1S *scf
:GAP (global)   :  0.166773 Ry =     2.269 eV (accurate value if proper 
:GAP (global)   :  0.116847 Ry =     1.590 eV (accurate value if proper 
:1S 001: 1S                -750.971786386 Ry
:1S 002: 1S                -152.344610161 Ry
:GAP (global)   :  0.167674 Ry =     2.281 eV (accurate value if proper 
:GAP (global)   :  0.116729 Ry =     1.588 eV (accurate value if proper 
:1S 001: 1S                -750.972092838 Ry
:1S 002: 1S                -152.343860783 Ry
:GAP (global)   :  0.167731 Ry =     2.282 eV (accurate value if proper 

However, I do not see a second set of eigenvalues for core states. Those 
shown in SCF file are from PBE, if I am not mistaken. I wonder if core 
states are computed self-consistently using hybrids, where the 
corresponding eigenvalues can be found?

Thank you in advance

Oleg Rubel (PhD, PEng)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
McMaster University
JHE 359, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8, Canada
Email: rubelo at mcmaster.ca
Tel: +1-905-525-9140, ext. 24094
Web: http://olegrubel.mcmaster.ca

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