[Wien] ELF calculation

Víctor Luaña Cabal victor at fluor.quimica.uniovi.es
Wed Jun 6 13:55:25 CEST 2018

* Bon, Marta <Marta.Bon at empa.ch> [2018-06-06 09:12:47 +0000]:
> Dear Wien2k users and developers,
> I would like to calculate the electron localization function (ELF), after having performed a PBE+U calculation with Wien2k.
> Is it possible (with lapw0)?
> If yes, can someone show me the case.in0 file for that?


Check the critic2 code. It can read wien2k data and performing QTAIM
related analysis of the electron density, the elf function and more.
The code is freely available. My signature provides you related
information. Current critc2 maintainer is Alberto Otero-le-la-Roza.

         Víctor Luaña
    .  .    "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from
   / `' \   doing what is right." 
  /(o)(o)\  -- Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"
 /`. \/ .'\  
/   '`'`   \ "Freedom!, freedom!, freedom! After that put whatever
|  \'`'`/  | term you like"
|  |'`'`|  |  --Largo Caballero (socialist, spanish president in the exile,
 \/`'`'`'\/   shortly before dying)
==(((==)))===================================+ A person is slave of his words
! Dr.Víctor Luaña, in silico chemist & prof. ! and owner of his silences.
! Departamento de Química Física y Analítica !
! Universidad de Oviedo, 33006-Oviedo, Spain ! The collective intelligence of
! e-mail:  <victor at fluor.quimica.uniovi.es>  ! a comitee equals the CI of its
! phone: +34-984080927    fax: +34-985103125 ! worst divided by the number
+--------------------------------------------+ of members
 GroupPage: <http://azufre.quimica.uniovi.es/>
 Articles:  <http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ibl1BWAAAAAJ&hl=es>
 git-hub:   <https://github.com/aoterodelaroza>
 ORCID: 0000-0003-4585-4627; RID: H-2045-2015

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