[Wien] error in dstart in Wine2k_16- "undefined symbol"

venkatesh chandragiri venkyphysicsiitm at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 15:10:53 CEST 2018

Dear Prof. Gavin Abo,

I am very much grateful to you for your elaborate explanation of installing
ifort variables. I did find /opt -name "libimf*" and it gave find:
`/opt/test': Permission denied
find: `/opt/intel/ism/lib': Permission denied So I tried to search the
libimf.a manually (Before I used to run "locate libimf.a" and it gave
nothing even I kept " source ..composer_xe_2015.5.223/bin/compilervars.sh
intel64" in my .bashrc) and I found them at
"../../composer_xe_2015.5.223/compilers/intel64/lib" and I placed this path
to "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the .bashrc" . Now I re-compiled wien2k16 again and
freshly did the initialization of the job. Now, I did not seen the error
which I mentioned in my earlier mail and successfully completed the
initialization process. thank you very much for your help venkatesh
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