[Wien] Error in lapw1/2.error file, that does not stop running

Luc Fruchter luc.fruchter at u-psud.fr
Thu May 31 19:51:58 CEST 2018


While running a case, I have noticed that the lapw1/2.error file is not 
empty, and contains 'Error in lapw1/2'.

However, this does NOT stop the case.

Could this be related to the parallel mode that I use ?

Indeed, I have noticed that this did not happen in the preceding similar 
case that I runned, where the dayfile indicates that lapw2 and lapw1 
were running in parallel (on a single multicore machine), and also a 
:parallel file could be found, while now it states that it runs in the 
single mode (although I also asked for parallel mode).

Thanks for your help, and my apolodgizes if there is too little 
information (I am new in Wien2k).

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