[Wien] Error in Bandstructure with hf

Tran, Fabien fabien.tran at tuwien.ac.at
Mon Dec 16 21:16:04 CET 2019

The differences between the band gaps are very small. Probably the calculations were done properly. It can happen that the nature of the band gap depends on the potential.

From: Wien <wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at> on behalf of Peeyush kumar kamlesh <peeyush.physik.rku at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 7:07 PM
To: wien-request at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at; wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: Re: [Wien] Error in Bandstructure with hf

Hi F. Tran sir,
Band gap in scf2hf is 1.51eV while that is 1.47eV (Indirect) and 1.54eV (direct) from spaghetti.
I did not get any error message. Still I am not satisfied with the calculations. Also I don't have any reference that changing potential functionals causes change in the nature of band gap.

Peeyush Kamlesh

On Mon, 16 Dec 2019, 9:06 pm Peeyush kumar kamlesh, <peeyush.physik.rku at gmail.com<mailto:peeyush.physik.rku at gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear Wien2k users,
When I run Scf calculations by using pbe potential i got direct bandgap, while when i run the same using hybrid functional then I got indirect band gap. Also value of band gap in scf2hf file and bandgap obtained by bandstructure are not same. The command which i used are as follows:

1) create case.klist_band as usual

2) run_bandplothf_lapw -qtl -p

3) x spaghetti -hf -p

Kindly help me to identify and resolve the error.

Thank you!

Peeyush Kamlesh
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