[Wien] Issues with parallel runs

Matthew D Redell mredell1 at binghamton.edu
Thu Jan 10 19:00:09 CET 2019


I am running WIEN2k_2018.2 on CentOs7 and have come across the following problem that I cannot seem to resolve.

After successfully initializing the calculation and setting up the .machines for a single host (local workstation), I run: run_lapw -p

lapw0 ends fine, but the lapw1 returns
bash: mpirun: command not found

The same error occurs if I just try 
x lapw1 -p

However, which mpirun

I also did a little troubleshooting to see if I could run lapw1 in parallel via
mpirun -n 4 lapw1_mpi lapw1_1.def

which ran without any issues. Also, checking more…
current:MPIRUN:mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile _HOSTS_ _EXEC_

So, the only possibility I am able to deduce is that either the run_lapw script or the lapw1para script is not locating the mpirun command, but I do not know how to begin sorting out this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Matthew D Redell
Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant
Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy
Binghamton University-State University of New York
E-mail: mredell1 at binghamton.edu
Office: SN-2011D

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