[Wien] inversion and spin-orbit

Mikhail Nestoklon nestoklon at mail.ru
Wed Mar 13 10:03:33 CET 2019

Dear wien2k community,
I do not fully understand the way kgen (and code in general) treats the structures 
without inversion. 
For standard GaAs structure, spacegroup #216, without inversion, when I do
calculations WITH spin-orbit, the kgen 
$ x kgen -so
still informs that 
GaAs.ksym not present, using GaAs.struct because inversion is present
24 symmetry operations without inversion
inversion added (non-spinpolarized non-so calculation) """
In fact, there is no inversion center in the system (and code is aware of that) 
and there is spin-orbit, so the states k and -k are not the same (Indeed, they 
are still connected by the time inversion, but technically it is different from 
spacial inversion).

The manual is a bit cryptic about this part: It tells that the symmetry is lowered 
only if the magnetic field is switched on, in which case one should use symmetso. 

Does this mean that "under the hood" the code behaves correctly and in fact 
uses time inversion and not spacial inversion or I should trick it into removing the 
inversion from the symmetry if I do care about correct description of properties 
which come from the lack of inversion center?

Thank you in advance.

Mikhail Nestoklon

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