[Wien] slurm mpi

webfinder at ukr.net webfinder at ukr.net
Mon May 6 14:23:34 CEST 2019

Dear wien2k users,
I'm trying to run a test task on a cluster with slurm batch system using mpi parallelization.

In "parallel_options" USE_REMOTE=0, MPI_REMOTE=0.
(during the siteconfig_lapw the slurm option was chosen)

the k-point parallelization works well. But if I change the "slurm.job" script to produce .machines file for mpi run
(e.g. from 
1: hostname
1: hostname
1: hostname hostname ....)

there is always a error message: 
permission_denied, please try again.
permission_denied, please try again
permission_denied, please try again (....)

How can I solve this?
How could it be that k-point parallelization works but mpi not?

P.S. I have also tried after getting "nodelist" from batch system to include ssh-copy-id command to slurm.job script to copy the keys but the result is the same.

Thank you for the answers!

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