[Wien] Components of spin momentum in crystal coordinate system

Артем Тарасов artem.tarasov at spbu.ru
Wed Feb 19 17:07:10 CET 2020

Dear Wien2K users,

In [Novak, 2006] I have found information about subroutine couplx. In according to it: “Subroutine couplx now calculate matrices of all components of spin and orbital momentum in crystal coordinate system
(sx, sy, sz, lx, ly, lz) and in coordinate system where quantization axis is to the magnetization (sξ, sη, sζ, lξ, lη, lζ ).”
I suggest that this subroutine may be a part of lapwdm, but I cannot find this data in the .outputdm file.
Could anyone help me with using this function?

Sincerely yours,
Artem Tarasov
Department of Solid State Electronics

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