[Wien] Mailing List

Tran, Fabien fabien.tran at tuwien.ac.at
Thu Jul 23 17:49:07 CEST 2020

You need to construct a super cell which contains several Mn atoms (at least one for each orientation of the magnetic moment).
Then, you need to put labels (1, 2) in case.struct to avoid to reobtain the original cell after init_lapw.
See for instance discussion here

From: Wien <wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at> on behalf of djamel slamnia <djamel4009 at yahoo.fr>
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 5:25 PM
To: A. Mailing List for WIEN2k Users
Subject: [Wien] Mailing List
Dear wien2k user's 

for antiferromagnetic calculation : i have to split the position of Mn atom to get 2 atoms in unit cell but 
in my case.struct the Mn atom has only one position 

so what i have to do ???

can i displace Mn atom ??

thanks in advance      

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