[Wien] fold2bloch: problem with K - path in hexagonal lattice
Peter Blaha
pblaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Nov 24 08:00:27 CET 2020
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Dear Oleg,
Thank you for your quick response! It was very helpful, but I still
didn't resolve the issue. You are right, the path in my email has
mistakes, but it was just me being sloppy when writing the email. The
path in .klist_band and Octave script are the same. The problem can be
reproduced with just the M-K section, so I will focus on that. As I do
not know Matlab/Octave very well I modified the script to save data to a
file, and then I use my favourite plotting tool:
%Save results
energy = (ENE-Ef)*ry2ev;
matrix = [L, energy, WGHTRS];
save myfile.mat matrix;
BTW, I did mentioned before but I had some trouble getting
ubs_dots_w2k_octave.m and ubs_dots.m scripts working (actually I didn't
find the way to make the second one work), maybe here is the source of
the problems:
1. Octave version 3.8.2 crashes with ubs_dots_w2k_octave.m script:
octave:1> ubs_dots_w2k_octave.m
panic: Segmentation fault -- stopping myself...
attempting to save variables to 'octave-workspace'...
save to 'octave-workspace' complete
Segmentation fault
2. Octave version 5.2.0 makes the plot, but it is almost unreadable and
there are some warning messages which look for me like from Gnuplot. I
don't know how these two are related to each other.
octave:1> ubs_dots_w2k_octave
multiplot> et termoption dashed
line 0: invalid command
3. When I wanted to test the Matlab script it fails with the following
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 2).
Error in ubs_dots>coordTransform (line 146)
W(i,:) = G(1,:)*V(i,1) + G(2,:)*V(i,2) + G(3,:)*V(i,3);
Error in ubs_dots (line 53)
KPATH = coordTransform(KPATH,G);
For the Matlab script I used the following settings (only M-K):
%% Init. parameters
KPATH = [1/2 0 0;
1/3 1/3 0]; % k-point path
FOLDS = [2 2 2]; % multiplicity in the corresponding directions used
when constructing the super-cell
KLABEL = {'M'; 'K'};
finpt = 'LaBr3_superCell.f2b'; % input file name
Ef = 0.1686176787; % Fermi energy (Ry)
ERANGE = [Ef-0.2 Ef+0.4]; % energy range for plot (Ry)
ry2ev = 13.605698066; % Ry -> eV conversion factor
pwr = 1/1; % power for result plotting
% 1 - linear scale, 1/2 - sqrt, etc.
% 0 - folded bands (needs wth = 0)
msz = 10; % marker size for plot
lwdth = 0.5; % plot line width
PLTSZ = [1 1 600/1.5 300/1.5]; % plot size
wth = 0.05; % threshold weight
clrmp = jet; % flipud(gray)
% flipud(pink)
% flipud(hot)
% flipud(autumn)
% cool
% flipud(bone)
% flipud(jet)
% jet
G = [ 0.038328 0.019164 0.000000;
0.000000 0.033193 0.000000;
0.000000 0.000000 0.058517]; % Reciprocal latt. vect. from
I'm using Matlab R2020a.
I'm not good with paper, but I'm much better with computer graphics. As
you advised I made a visualisation of the desired path, see attached
"M-K_path_supercell_vs_primitive.jpg". Primitive lattice is shown with
black lines, supercell (2x2) with red lines. Correct me if I'm wrong,
but in my opinion the desired path M(1/2,0)->K(1/3,1/3) in the primitive
lattice is going to be GAMMA(0,0) -> K(-1/3,2/3) in the supercell
lattice (dashed arrows). And this seems to be the path generated with
fold.m (see k-path_M-K1.pdf), however, this results in a
discontinuous plot (see LaBr3_M-K_band.pdf, black lines correspond to
the conduction band of LaBr3 calculated with primitive lattice and
XCrysDen generated M->K k-path, points corresponds to 2x2x2 supercell
with the symmetry broken by moving one La atom by 0.01A and a k-path
generated with fold.m path). I also have the impression that the k
vector values generated by ubs_dots_w2k_octave.m for the band plot does
not correspond to values in *.agr generated by x spaghetti, so
overlaying these two plots doesn't work well. Or maybe it's a hint that
I made some mistake here.
Which versions of Octave/Matlab have been tested with the script? Maybe
the newest are not compatible with plotting scripts.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Weronika Wiktoria Wolszczak
Postdoctoral researcher
TU Delft/Wake Forest University
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