[Wien] How to select the appropriate nband in hybrid functionals calculations

Yifan Ding yfding0375 at foxmail.com
Sun May 9 19:04:09 CEST 2021

Dear Prof. Blaha,

Thank you very much for your kindly reply.

While browsing previous discussions, I noticed that the DOS energy range of LDA/GGA calculation is determined by case.in1, and the DOS energy range of hybrid functional calculation has nothing to do with case.in1, but is related to nband(http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/pipermail/wien/2013-September/019859.html). I used 8*8 k points in YS-PBE0 calculation, which is the same as that in PBE calculation. This setting does cause the calculation to be too slow. I understand the method you introduced to select nbands. I will follow your instruction and try it, and thank you again for your detailed explanation.
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