[Wien] connection with w2web

delamora delamora at unam.mx
Mon Aug 15 19:20:59 CEST 2022

"perl w2web"
you install w2web
but with
it is running, and each time that you start your computer you need to run it, in order to allow the WIEN2k interface to work.

De: Wien <wien-bounces at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at> en nombre de zhouchao via Wien <wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at>
Enviado: lunes, 15 de agosto de 2022 10:59 a. m.
Para: wien <wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at>
CC: zhouchao <994646659 at qq.com>
Asunto: [Wien] connection with w2web

Dear community members
I am running wien version 18.2  on a machine of type my computer
with operating system  Ubuntu 18.02.

I have run the command "perl w2web" then it may be successfully intalled.

# w2web starter                                                       #
# Copyright (C) 2001 luitz.at                                         #
w2web installer on host DESKTOP-FG4QDBC.localdomain

# w2web installer                                                     #
# Copyright (C) 2001 luitz.at                                         #

Checking for Installation in /home/zc/.w2web/DESKTOP-FG4QDBC.localdomain

but I cannot connect it with  http://DESKTOP-FG4QDBC.localdomain:7890
How can I do?

Thank you for your help.
Zhou Chao
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