[Wien] Cholesky error in slab structure

Natalia Andreeva nvandr at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 10:02:44 CET 2023

Dear WIEN2k users,

I am trying to perform a calculation on a large LSMO/BTO/Co slab.
I start the calculation with automatically determined RMT values.

At the StructGen stage, I reduce RMT by 5% because I want to perform force
I have successfully initialized structure with the command:
init_lapw -hdlo -prec 0n -red 3 -rkmax 5.5 -lvns 5 -numk 0 5 5 1

To minimize the forces, I use MSR1a with some atomic positions fixed.
I run run_lapw -ec 0.005 -cc 0.05 -fc 1 -p –min. After 1-5 execution cycles
SCF is interrupted with an error:

Cholesky INFO = 5974
'SECLR4' - POTRF (Scalapack/LAPACK) failed

What could be a problem?

I tried to decrease or increase RMT or use it in run_lapw, but it does not
help. There are no atoms with the same positions in the case.struct file.

With Best Regards,
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