[Wien] ifort classic compiler now discontinued in one-api 2025.0 online repositories

Gavin Abo gabo13279 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 17:04:22 CET 2024

The problem I've encountered with using -standard-semantics is that only 
lapw0 and lapw1 don't compile with unreferenced errors (e.g., libxc).  
Currently, a work around seems to be to recompile lapw0 and lapw1 with 
-O0 without -standard-semantics.

I tried removing -pad but the segmentation error still happens:

username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ grep 'OPT =' Makefile
FOPT =  -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback 
-assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCH)
FPOPT =  -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback 
-assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCHP) $(OMP_SWITCHP)
username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ make
make dstart FORT=ifx FFLAGS=' -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -ip 
-DINTEL_VML -traceback -assume buffered_io 
-I/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2025.0/include -qopenmp   '
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/username/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart'
ifx -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback -assume 
buffered_io -I/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2025.0/include -qopenmp    -c charge.f
           #0 0x0000615e21717b41
           #1 0x0000615e2177c457
           #2 0x0000615e2177c585
           #3 0x0000071d83e45320
           #4 0x0000615e2089cba0
           #5 0x0000615e22ab0f28
           #6 0x0000615e21089b27
           #7 0x0000615e2108966c
           #8 0x0000615e2125b59a
           #9 0x0000615e20fc7253
          #10 0x0000615e20e7e752
          #11 0x0000615e20c0baac
          #12 0x0000615e20c0ac9d
          #13 0x0000615e20c0abf1
          #14 0x0000615e20febfe2
          #15 0x0000615e20bb0c1c
          #16 0x0000615e208f2e94
          #17 0x0000615e208f2cb9
          #18 0x0000615e20869241
          #19 0x0000615e20868f71
          #20 0x0000615e2097f34a
          #21 0x0000615e2097f121
          #22 0x0000615e20e9c8a9
          #23 0x0000615e216b4cfa
          #24 0x0000615e216b2a37
          #25 0x0000615e2165e64b
          #26 0x0000615e2183a704
          #27 0x0000071d83e2a1ca
          #28 0x0000071d83e2a28b __libc_start_main + 139
          #29 0x0000615e2149519e

charge.f: error #5633: **Internal compiler error: segmentation violation 
signal raised** Please report this error along with the circumstances in 
which it occurred in a Software Problem Report. Note: File and line 
given may not be explicit cause of this error.
compilation aborted for charge.f (code 3)


WIEN2k user

On 12/27/2024 8:37 AM, Laurence Marks wrote:
> Try removing -pad
> ---
> Emeritus Professor Laurence Marks (Laurie)
> www.numis.northwestern.edu <http://www.numis.northwestern.edu>
> https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zmHhI9gAAAAJ&hl=en 
> <https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zmHhI9gAAAAJ&hl=en>
> "Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what 
> nobody else has thought" Albert Szent-Györgyi
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2024, 15:15 Gavin Abo <gabo13279 at gmail.com> wrote:
>     As seen below, the timing of dstart looks like it got better using
>     -O.  I came across a comment that Intel Fortran does not default
>     to -standard-semantics unless you ask for it at:
>     https://fortran-lang.discourse.group/t/strange-issue-with-ifx-compiler-and-assume-recursion/7013/3
>     Giving that a try, dstart compiled with -O.
>     *_Timing with -O0_*
>     username at computername:~/wiendata/TiC$ x dstart
>      C  T F
>     2.733u 0.006s 0:02.74 99.6%    0+0k 0+368io 0pf+0w
>     username at computername:~/wiendata/TiC$ cd $WIENROOT/SRC_dstart
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ grep 'OPT =' Makefile
>     FOPT =  -O0 -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML
>     -traceback -assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCH)
>     FPOPT =  -O0 -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML
>     -traceback -assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCHP)
>     $(OMP_SWITCHP)
>     _*Segmentation compile error with -O*_
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ gedit Makefile
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ grep 'OPT =' Makefile
>     FOPT =  -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML
>     -traceback -assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCH)
>     FPOPT =  -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML
>     -traceback -assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCHP)
>     $(OMP_SWITCHP)
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ make
>     ...
>     ifx -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML -traceback
>     -assume buffered_io -I/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2025.0/include
>     -qopenmp    -c charge.f
>               #0 0x00005d3831075b41
>               #1 0x00005d38310da457
>               #2 0x00005d38310da585
>               #3 0x000005d840c45320
>               #4 0x00005d38301faba0
>               #5 0x00005d383240ef28
>               #6 0x00005d38309e7b27
>               #7 0x00005d38309e766c
>               #8 0x00005d3830bb959a
>               #9 0x00005d3830925253
>              #10 0x00005d38307dc752
>              #11 0x00005d3830569aac
>              #12 0x00005d3830568c9d
>              #13 0x00005d3830568bf1
>              #14 0x00005d3830949fe2
>              #15 0x00005d383050ec1c
>              #16 0x00005d3830250e94
>              #17 0x00005d3830250cb9
>              #18 0x00005d38301c7241
>              #19 0x00005d38301c6f71
>              #20 0x00005d38302dd34a
>              #21 0x00005d38302dd121
>              #22 0x00005d38307fa8a9
>              #23 0x00005d3831012cfa
>              #24 0x00005d3831010a37
>              #25 0x00005d3830fbc64b
>              #26 0x00005d3831198704
>              #27 0x000005d840c2a1ca
>              #28 0x000005d840c2a28b __libc_start_main + 139
>              #29 0x00005d3830df319e
>     charge.f: error #5633: **Internal compiler error: segmentation
>     violation signal raised** Please report this error along with the
>     circumstances in which it occurred in a Software Problem Report. 
>     Note: File and line given may not be explicit cause of this error.
>     compilation aborted for charge.f (code 3)
>     ...
>     *_Compile with -O and -standard-semantics_*
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ gedit Makefile
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ grep 'OPT =' Makefile
>     FOPT =  -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML
>     -traceback -assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCH)
>     -standard-semantics
>     FPOPT =  -O -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip -DINTEL_VML
>     -traceback -assume buffered_io -I$(MKLROOT)/include $(OMP_SWITCHP)
>     $(OMP_SWITCHP) -standard-semantics
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ make
>     ...
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ cp dstart ../dstart
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ cp dstart_mpi ../dstart_mpi
>     username at computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_dstart$ cd ~/wiendata/TiC
>     *_Timing with _**_-O and -standard-semantics_*
>     username at computername:~/wiendata/TiC$ x dstart
>     0.732u 0.008s 0:00.74 98.6%    0+0k 0+368io 0pf+0w
>     Kind Regards,
>     Gavin
>     WIEN2k user
>     On 12/27/2024 1:59 AM, Peter Blaha wrote:
>>     I'd expect this slow code is due to the switching off of
>>     optimization (-O0), and not due to a general problem of ifx with
>>     complex numbers.
>>     If you do -O0 globally, the code will obviously be MUCH slower,
>>     exactly as you have found out.
>>     Compilation with ifx would need a "special" strategy, compiling
>>     only the routines where optimization fails with -O0, all the rest
>>     with -O, like:
>>     Makefile with   -O
>>       make
>>     compile the routine where it fails by hand:
>>       ifx -O0 .... -c failing_routine.f
>>       make
>>     continue the 2 lines above until it finishes. As far as I
>>     remember, -O0 was required only for non-time-critical routines.
>>     Obviously, this is only a solution for experts. I'll see if I can
>>     come up with more specific Makefiles for ifx, where the
>>     problematic routines are compiled automatically without
>>     optimization.
>>     In any case, it would be interesting to see, if the code produced
>>     by this scheme is (almost) as fast as the ifort code.
>>     Best regards
>>     Peter
>>     Am 26.12.2024 um 12:10 schrieb Michael Fechtelkord via Wien:
>>>     Hello all,
>>>     thanks Gavin for your efforts concerning the ifx compiler and
>>>     the complete compilation of the code.
>>>     The compilation of the code with ifx is much faster, but the
>>>     compiled WIEN2k code is much faster when compiled with ifort
>>>     2021.13.1.
>>>     I have run a NMR calculation of KAlF4 with ifx and ifort
>>>     compiled code and the ifort compiled code takes half of the time
>>>     of the ifx compiled code (16 minutes vs. 28 minutes).
>>>     This is due to the fact that the handling of complex data is
>>>     still better done with ifort compiled code. I read a few
>>>     postings concerning this fact and I think this is still valid
>>>     for the current version of ifx.
>>>     https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-Fortran-Compiler/IFX-vs-IFORT-
>>>     performance-difference/m-p/1472018#M165800
>>>     Happy Christmas to all!
>>>     Michael
>>>     Am 21.12.2024 um 18:02 schrieb Gavin Abo:
>>>>     Thanks for the hint about using -O0 when using ifx 2025.0.4.
>>>>     I compiled WIEN2k 24.1 with it, and it built without errors.  I
>>>>     was even able to compile elpa with it.
>>>>     I documented the steps I used should others be interested in
>>>>     them and put them in a file that should be at:
>>>>     https://github.com/gsabo/WIEN2k-Docs/blob/main/
>>>>     WIEN2k24.1_Ubuntu22.04_Install_with_OneAPI(ifx).pdf
>>>>     The TiC example also ran fine.  Screenshots of it are in
>>>>     another file here:
>>>>     https://github.com/gsabo/WIEN2k-Docs/blob/main/
>>>>     WIEN2k24.1%20TiC%20Example(ifx).pdf
>>>>     Gavin
>>>>     WIEN2k user
>>>>     On 10/30/2024 7:03 AM, Michael Fechtelkord via Wien wrote:
>>>>>     I just compiled the WIEN2k code with ifx (2025.0.0) again,
>>>>>     regarding Peter's recommendations .. and only a few errors
>>>>>     remain now (all compiled without optimisation using -O0 flag) :
>>>>>     SRC_3ddens/compile.msg:make: *** [Makefile:65: 3ddens] Fehler 1
>>>>>     SRC_reformat/compile.msg:reformat.c:3:1: Fehler: Rückgabetyp
>>>>>     ist auf »int« voreingestellt [-Wimplicit-int]
>>>>>     SRC_reformat/compile.msg:make: *** [Makefile:40: reformat.o]
>>>>>     Fehler 1
>>>>>     SRC_3ddens
>>>>>     ifx -o ./3ddens modules.o fft_modules.o 3ddens.o setfft2.o
>>>>>     stern.o rotdef.o rotato.o rotat.o charge.o
>>>>>     calculate_neighbours.o ylm.o radial.o sum.o interp.
>>>>>     o gener.o vnorm.o latgen.o rotate.o reduc.o write_xsf.o
>>>>>     write_stm.o primitive_cell.o read_struct.o atom_sphere_dens.o
>>>>>     -L/usr/local/lib64 -lfftw3 -lfftw3
>>>>>     _omp -O0 -xAVX2 -FR -mp1 -w -prec_div -pc80 -pad -ip
>>>>>     -DINTEL_VML - traceback -assume buffered_io
>>>>>     -I/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2025.0/include -DFFTW3 -DFFTW_OMP
>>>>>      -I/usr/local/include  -qopenmp
>>>>>     -L/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2025.0/lib/ - lpthread -lm -ldl -liomp5
>>>>>     /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/14/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/
>>>>>     bin/ld: 3ddens.o: in function `dfftw_init_threads_.t1225p':
>>>>>     ifx24sU4Q.i:(.text+0xf797): undefined reference to
>>>>>     `dfftw_init_threads_'
>>>>>     /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/14/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/
>>>>>     bin/ld: 3ddens.o: in function `dfftw_plan_with_nthreads_.t1230p':
>>>>>     ifx24sU4Q.i:(.text+0xf7b7): undefined reference to
>>>>>     `dfftw_plan_with_nthreads_'
>>>>>     make: *** [Makefile:65: 3ddens] Fehler 1
>>>>>     SRC_reformat
>>>>>     rm -f reformat.o
>>>>>     cc -c  reformat.c
>>>>>     reformat.c:3:1: Fehler: Rückgabetyp ist auf »int«
>>>>>     voreingestellt [- Wimplicit-int]
>>>>>         3 | main(argc,argv)
>>>>>           | ^~~~
>>>>>     make: *** [Makefile:40: reformat.o] Fehler 1
>>>>>     Best regards,
>>>>>     Michael
>>>>>     -- 
>>>>>     Dr. Michael Fechtelkord
>>>>>     Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik
>>>>>     Ruhr-Universität Bochum
>>>>>     Universitätsstr. 150
>>>>>     <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Universit%C3%A4tsstr.+150?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>>     D-44780 Bochum
>>>>>     Phone: +49 (234) 32-24380
>>>>>     Fax:  +49 (234) 32-04380
>>>>>     Email:Michael.Fechtelkord at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
>>>>>     Web
>>>>>     Page:https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/kristallographie/kc/mitarbeiter/
>>>>>     fechtelkord/
>>>>     _______________________________________________
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>>>     -- 
>>>     Dr. Michael Fechtelkord
>>>     Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik
>>>     Ruhr-Universität Bochum
>>>     Universitätsstr. 150
>>>     <https://www.google.com/maps/search/Universit%C3%A4tsstr.+150?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>     D-44780 Bochum
>>>     Phone: +49 (234) 32-24380
>>>     Fax:  +49 (234) 32-04380
>>>     Email:Michael.Fechtelkord at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
>>>     Web
>>>     Page:https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/kristallographie/kc/mitarbeiter/fechtelkord/
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