[Wien] intel oneapi 2024.2 ifx

Lyudmila Dobysheva lyuka17 at mail.ru
Tue Jul 23 16:02:45 CEST 2024

Dear all,

Just for you to know: I tried to compile with intel oneapi 2024.2 using 
their recommended ifx. Most of programs have been compiled after some 
dancing with a tambourine. But a simple old case refused to work, it 
gave an error in mixer:
:NEC01: NUCLEAR AND ELECTRONIC CHARGE    280.00000   256.08364
:WAR   :   NEC01: average large charge leakage:   1.49477222845737 
:ERROR :   NEC01: average charge leakage too large:   1.49477222845737

So, I have recompiled it with ifort option, and it works good and as 
expected, with the same ini.

The Intel guys write during compilation: ifort remark #10448: Intel(R) 
Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) is now deprecated and will be 
discontinued late 2024

Hope they will solve the problem by this time.

Best regards,
Lyudmila Dobysheva
Institute of Physics and Technology,
Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Br. of Rus.Ac.Sci.
426000 Izhevsk Kirov str. 132
Tel. +7 (34I2)43-24-59 (office), +7 (9I2)OI9-795O (home)
Skype: lyuka18 (office), lyuka17 (home)
E-mail: lyuka17 at mail.ru (office), lyuka17 at gmail.com (home)

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