[Wien] MPI Parallelisation confusion.

Gavin Abo gabo13279 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 21:00:29 CEST 2024

To not use OpenMP, set omp_global:1.  That is according to:


Regarding which of the .machines files, you may want to check the 
mailing list archive to learn about the .machines file syntax difference 
between k-point parallel and mpi parallel.

Mailing list archive posts about k-point parallel


Mailing list archive posts about mpi parallel


Kind Regards,

WIEN2k user

On 6/19/2024 6:45 AM, Pranjal Nandi wrote:
> Dear Members,
> Version 23.2
> I want to do a calculation with only 1 k point (isolated system) using 
> MPI parallelisation (Not OPENMPI)
> This is my first time doing an MPI parallelisation. Hence, I am highly 
> confused after going through the guidebook and the ppts.
> Lscpu gives me the information.
> CPU(s): 128
> On-line CPU(s) list: 0-127
> Thread(s) per core: 2
> Core(s) per socket: 64
> Socket(s): 1
> NUMA node(s): 4
> echo $OMP_NUM_THREADS gives me as 2.
> Which format of the machines files is correct so that I can allow the 
> calculations to use maximum number of nodes ? I am highly confused
>  1. granularity:1
> 64:localhost  #(later I will change from 64 to 32, 16, 8 , 4 and 2 to 
> check the efficiency)
> omp_global:2
>  2. granularity:1
> 1:localhost:1  1:localhost:1  1:localhost:1  1:localhost:1 
>  1:localhost:1  1:localhost:1  …….. 64 times (later I will change from 
> 64 to 32, 16, 8 , 4 and 2 to check the efficieny)
> omp_global:2
>  3. set OMP_NUM_Threads to 128
>     granularity:1
>         128:localhost  #(later I will change from 64 to 32, 16, 8 , 4 
> and 2 to check the efficiency)
>         omp_global:2
> Your guidance will be very helpful.
> Thank you.
> With warm regards,
> Pranjal
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