[Wien] Graphene + M

delamora delamora at unam.mx
Fri Mar 8 18:26:36 CET 2024

Dear WIEN2k community
I am trying to add atoms on top of graphene.
Since it is a weak bond I need to use Non Local Van der Waals functional
so I add
and run
nohup run -p -nlvdw -NI &
and then
nohup run -p -nlvdw -NI -min -fc 1 &
What happens is that the forces start to increase, so I run
nohup run -p -nlvdw -NI &
and when I run
nohup run -p -nlvdw -NI -min -fc 1 &
the forces are small again, but they increase again, and so on.
Is there a way so that the forces do not increase?
Should I modify



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