[Wien] Error in IRelast initialization for tetragonal structure | too many arguments

Dr. KISHOR KUMAR डॉ. किशोर कुमार kksuthar at live.com
Tue May 7 10:22:46 CEST 2024

Dear Developer and user,

So far, I did not get any answer for error in initialization of IRelast using {set_elast_lapw} script.

Structure is tetragonal {87_I4/m }. In my previous mail, I already sent structure file.

error was {at the end of set_elast_lapw script}
setupc program found.
goto: Too many arguments.
------------------------------------ and not folders created in elast directory.

Any how, I found some thing but I still have doubt.
in set_elast_script, there is a command at line No. 42, 43 and 49 which are as:
sgroup -wi $file.struct | grep "Bravais"|cut -c18-18
set sym=`sgroup -wi $file.struct | grep "Bravais"|cut -c18-18`
 which give output if i do manually as:
----------------if not use cut--------------
warning: !!! Bravais lattice has changed.
Bravais lattice: Rhombohedral

-------------------if used cut-----------

From  above output lines, probably it will take multiple arguments for structure and make Too many arguments error.

Although I did some thing manualy using command {cat} as:

set bravais=`cat $file.outputsgroup | grep "Bravais"`
set inf=`cat $file.outputsgroup | grep "Number and" | cut -c33-`
echo "---> $bravais <---"
echo "--->         $inf          <---"
echo ""
sleep 2
set sel=`echo "setelast"`
set sym=`cat $file.outputsgroup | grep "Bravais"|cut -c18-18`
It works and directories are created in elast folder.
But again, calljob_lapw have same command line.

But not sure it is correct or not. Your kind help is needed.

Please help..

Dr. KISHOR KUMAR/डॉ. किशोर कुमार
Department of Physics/भौतिक विज्ञान विभाग

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