[Wien] Differences in band character plotting using two methods under rotated local basis

pluto pluto at physics.ucdavis.edu
Sat Oct 26 22:11:12 CEST 2024

Dear Prof. Blaha,

Thank you for the comment.

In my case qtl uses 100% %CPU in top. For speedup I typically run qtl -p 
up/dn simultaneously -- see the screenshot from "top" pasted below. I 
don't think OMP helps, my global setting is OMP=2.

I think "qtl -p -band" is able to glue the k-parallel results of the 
previous "lapw1 -band" (or "lapwso -band") run. But I always thought qtl 
is running in a serial mode. I think qtl does it's job k-point by 
k-point, so for k-parallel run it would need to look at the .machines 
file and run several instances -- this clearly does not happen, qtl 
definitely does not use the .machines file for distributing jobs, it 
does not run on machines defined in .machines file.


For the screenshot below I run two instances simultaneously: "qtl -p 
-up" and "qtl -p -dn"

top - 21:57:32 up 6 days,  7:14,  4 users,  load average: 2.20, 2.60, 
Tasks: 517 total,   3 running, 514 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  6.1 us,  0.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 93.7 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  
0.0 st
MiB Mem :  47656.5 total,    432.5 free,   3736.8 used,  44354.1 
MiB Swap:  16384.0 total,  16296.2 free,     87.8 used.  43919.7 avail 

     PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ 
  511888 lplucin   20   0 1242220 560380  12032 R 100.0   1.1  54:21.59 
  511702 lplucin   20   0 1242220 563996  12032 R  99.7   1.2  55:18.22 
  511723 lplucin   20   0  235520   4352   3328 R   0.3   0.0   0:06.63 
       1 root      20   0  174936  16800  10204 S   0.0   0.0   0:15.81 
       2 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0   0.0   0:01.34 
       3 root       0 -20       0      0      0 I   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 
       4 root       0 -20       0      0      0 I   0.0   0.0   0:00.00 

On 2024-10-26 21:24, Peter Blaha wrote:
> The qtl program already runs in k-parallel mode ....
> Am 25.10.2024 um 12:05 schrieb pluto via Wien:
>> Dear Prof. Blaha,
>> It would be very helpful to have a k-parallel version of the qtl 
>> program.
>> With large meshes (I find 51x51 k-points useful in many cases) the qtl 
>> calculation in the slab takes "forever". Of course I can split the 
>> mesh by hand, but a built-in splitting and re-gluing would be 
>> extremely convenient.
>> Best,
>> Lukasz
>> On 2024-10-15 15:56, Peter Blaha wrote:
>>> I can confirm the problems of    x qtl -so -band
>>> i)  it has a problem with the automatic  x lapw2 -fermi
>>> ii) it requires case.in1c (even when inversion is present).
>>> The pragmatic way is to i) neglect the lapw2 FERMI  error and to ii)
>>> copy case.in1 to case.in1c (as was done by some users). This produces
>>> correct results.
>>> The proper way is to edit and modify    x_lapw.
>>> Search for    qtl:     You should see the lines as below and
>>> modify/insert as indicated:
>>> case qtl:
>>> if ($?make_inq) then        #Kevin Jorissen, for use with telnes3
>>>    write_inq_lapw
>>> endif
>>> #we need lapw2 -fermi mandatory, unless -band is specified   
>>> #<-update
>>> if( ! $?band ) then                                          
>>> #<-insert
>>>   if( "$para" == "para" ) then
>>>         x lapw2 -p -fermi $soqtl $updnqtl $hfqtl $band2
>>>   else
>>>         x lapw2 -fermi $soqtl $updnqtl $hfqtl $band2
>>>   endif
>>> endif                                                        
>>> #<-insert
>>> set exe = $command$para
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> end
>>> if ($cmplx1 == c ) then                                      
>>> #<-update
>>>   echo " 7,'$file.in1c',   'unknown',    'formatted',-1">>$def
>>> endif
>>> breaksw
>>> ...
>>> Am 14.10.2024 um 10:41 schrieb pluto via Wien:
>>>> Dear Yichen,
>>>> x qtl is calculating properties for the first equivalent atom of the 
>>>> case.struct. This means it will give you the "hidden spin 
>>>> polarization" even if there are equivalent atoms. lapw2 will average 
>>>> over all equivalent atoms, you will need to disconnect atoms in 
>>>> case.struct (this means much bigger calculation).
>>>> If the energy range in case.inq is small (to reduce the case.qtl 
>>>> file size), then the x spaghetti may not work for fat bands -- you 
>>>> need to plot case.qtl manually.
>>>> Sometimes the qtl program complains about FERMI. Also, sometimes it 
>>>> complains about not having case.in1c and/or case.in2c files -- I 
>>>> think it it OK to copy them from case.in1 and case.in2, maybe Prof. 
>>>> Blaha can comment.
>>>> Also, several weeks ago Prof. Blaha mentioned that one is allowed to 
>>>> change the order of equivalent atoms in case.struct (I did not test 
>>>> it yet). This way you can choose which atom is calculated by qtl (if 
>>>> it didn't happen to be the fist equivalent atom in the original 
>>>> case.struct).
>>>> qtl indeed allows you to set the quantization axis for orbitals 
>>>> (which typically you want to be 001 for the out-of-plane axis). This 
>>>> is most of the time really needed, because of all the loc-rots in 
>>>> the case.struct.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Lukasz
>>>> PS: Keep in mind that atomic the rules for angular intensity 
>>>> profiles in ARPES are not strict because of multiple scattering. 
>>>> Furthermore, even the atomic profiles with the proper scattering 
>>>> state are also not as trivial as the ones derived with FEFS (see Ch. 
>>>> Fadley papers from around 1980).
>>>> On 2024-10-14 10:04, Yichen Zhang wrote:
>>>>> Dear Peter,
>>>>> 1) No, I’m using version 23.2, so not the latest version. I can 
>>>>> check
>>>>> with 24.1 on a local cluster which I recently compiled on. I 
>>>>> haven’t
>>>>> upgraded to 24.1 on my PC, as making it work on a non-intel Mac PC
>>>>> requires minor modifications to some tcsh and code. I will have to 
>>>>> see
>>>>> what errors 24.1 will give me on PC. I noticed that in the history 
>>>>> of
>>>>> upgrading in 23.2 and 24.1, both says x qtl -band has the switch 
>>>>> added
>>>>> in lapw2 -fermi step.
>>>>> 2) The :log file records,
>>>>> Sun Oct 13 22:23:46 CDT 2024> (x) qtl -p -so -band
>>>>> Sun Oct 13 22:23:46 CDT 2024> (x) lapw2 -p -fermi -so -band
>>>>> So yes, the lapw2 -fermi step has the -band option propagated.
>>>>> Despite the ‘FERMI” error reported in lapw2.error, qtl successfully
>>>>> provided reasonable case.qtl result.
>>>>> 3) It would be good to see other testings. If others show 
>>>>> consistent
>>>>> results, either I made mistakes I was not able to reveal here or it
>>>>> might be related with the orthorhombicity? I don’t know. I guess we
>>>>> will see.
>>>>> Thank you and best regards
>>>>> Yichen
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