[Wien] Parallel running
delamora at unam.mx
Mon Jan 13 22:06:03 CET 2025
Dear WIEN2k users,
I installed
Debian 12
and WIEN2k seems to run fine, but running in parallel it does not work;
Running in parallel it gives;
run -p
bash: línea 1: lapw1: orden no encontrada *** order not found
bash: línea 1: fixerror_lapw: orden no encontrada
[1] Fin ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >& .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \% .temp1_$loop >> .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e "print stderr <STDIN>" )
bash: línea 1: lapw1: orden no encontrada
bash: línea 1: fixerror_lapw: orden no encontrada
[2] Fin ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >& .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \% .temp1_$loop >> .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e "print stderr <STDIN>" )
bash: línea 1: lapw1: orden no encontrada
bash: línea 1: fixerror_lapw: orden no encontrada
bash: línea 1: lapw1: orden no encontrada
bash: línea 1: fixerror_lapw: orden no encontrada
[4] - Fin ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >& .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \% .temp1_$loop >> .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e "print stderr <STDIN>" )
[3] + Fin ( ( $remote $machine[$p] "cd $PWD;$set_OMP_NUM_THREADS;$t $taskset0 $exe ${def}_$loop.def ;fixerror_lapw ${def}_$loop"; rm -f .lock_$lockfile[$p] ) >& .stdout1_$loop; if ( -f .stdout1_$loop ) bashtime2csh.pl_lapw .stdout1_$loop > .temp1_$loop; grep \% .temp1_$loop >> .time1_$loop; grep -v \% .temp1_$loop | perl -e "print stderr <STDIN>" )
MnO.scf1_1: No existe el fichero o el directorio. *** file and directory do not exist
grep: *scf1*: No existe el fichero o el directorio
FERMI - Error
cp: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre '.in.tmp': No existe el fichero o el directorio
grep: *scf1*: No existe el fichero o el directorio
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