[Wien] Calculation of Band structure and DOS through lmbj potential
Burhan Ahmed
burhan.ahmed at aus.ac.in
Mon Jan 27 06:47:15 CET 2025
Hello experts, hope all is well. I have converged the scf of a surface
structure of a topological insulator with lmbj potential. Now for
calculating band Structure and Density of states I am using the following
*For Band Structure*
- k-path selection with xcrysden
- x nlvdw -p -band
- x lapw1 -p -band
- x lapwso -p -band (since so is added)
- x lapw2 -so -nlvdw -qtl -p -band
- Insertion of Fermi
- x spaghetti -so -nlvdw -p -band
*For DOS*
- x kgen (for denser k-mesh)
- x nlvdw -p
- x lapw1 -p
- x lapwso -p
- x qtl -so -nlvdw -p
- x lapw2 -qtl -so -nlvdw -p
After configuring
- x tetra -so -nlvdw -p
I want to know that the steps I am doing for calculating band structure and
DOS are okay or, I should have to add the -lmbj flag in all steps just like
I have added when running the lmbj scf.
Thank you.
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