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<!--SOHUMAIL_HTML_HEAD_END--><P>Dear all,</P>
<P> After runsp_lapw converged and using save_lapw saved, during the initso_lapw symmetso appears error message like this:</P>
<P>Do you have a spinpolarized case (and want to run symmetso) ? (y/N)y<BR> 90., 89.985100000000003, 1.5707963267948966, F, 0.99999996618594356, 2*0.E<BR> 2.60054055616021514E-4, 6.12323399573676604E-17, 1.<BR> beta not equal 90<BR> beta not equal 90</P>
<P>lib-4190 : UNRECOVERABLE library error <BR> </P>
<P>Encountered during a sequential formatted READ from unit 21<BR>Fortran unit 21 is connected to a sequential formatted text file:<BR> "oxygen_near_Ti.struct_so"<BR> Current format: 1012 FORMAT(4X,I4,4X,F10.7,3X,F10.7,3X,F10.7,/,15X,I2,7X,I2,8X,I2)<BR> ^<BR>IOT Trap<BR>Abort (core dumped)<BR>23.5u 2.7s 1:23 31% 0+0k 2336+0io 9pf+0w<BR> And the oxygen_near_Ti.struct_so file contains no any atoms.</P>
<P>And in the attachment is my struct file. Would you please tell me how</P>
<P>to solve this problem. Thank you!</P>
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