<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P>Dear users,</P>
<P>case.output5 gaves such kind of data, for instance:</P>
<P>0 0.00027 0.00031 0.00055 0.00128 0.00329 0.00801 0.01761 0.03968 0.09234 0.22375<BR> 0.55554 1.25513 1.55961 1.75746 1.55961 1.25513 0.55554 0.22375 0.09234 0.03968<BR> 0.01761 0.00801 0.00329 0.00128 0.00055 0.00031 0.00027 0.00031 0.00055
0.00128<BR> 0.00329 0.00801 0.01761 0.03968 0.09234 0.22375 0.55554 1.25513 1.55961 1.75746</P>
<P>0 0.00029 0.00033 0.00054 0.00122 0.00307 0.00751 0.01666 0.03768 0.08991 0.21893<BR> 0.55543 1.32480 1.91516 0.22953 1.91516 1.32480 0.55543 0.21893 0.08991 0.03768<BR> 0.01666 0.00751 0.00307 0.00122 0.00054 0.00033 0.00029 0.00033 0.00054
0.00122<BR> 0.00307 0.00751 0.01666 0.03768 0.08991 0.21893 0.55543 1.32480 1.91516 0.22953<BR></P>
<P>I want to use other tools to plot the charge density, one problem is how to choose the x- and y- scale. the following is the step I once tried, please judge: is it right? I used 40 X 40 in the case.in5</P>
<P>1, 1, 0.00027</P>
<P>1, 2, 0.00031</P>
<P>1, 3, 0.00055</P>
<P>1, 38, 1.25513</P>
<P>1, 39, 1.55961</P>
<P> 1,40, 1.75746</P>
<P>and </P>
<P>2, 1, 0.00029</P>
<P>2, 2, 0.00033</P>
<P>2, 3, 0.00054</P>
<P>2, 38, 1.32480</P>
<P>2, 39, 1.91516</P>
<P>2, 40, 0.22953</P>
<P> </P>
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