<BODY><P>Dear all,</P>
<P>We are trying to install Wien2k in Linux 7.1.</P>
<P>We have set the path as </P>
<P>WIENROOT =/home/Wien2k</P>
<P>export WIENROOT</P>
<P>When we are giving the command ./w2web in the folder wien2k/SRC_w2web/bin we are getting:</P>
<P> w2web server started,now point your web browser to <A href="http://...........:">http://...........:</A> port no.</P>
<P>But when we are trying to open the <A href="http://...........:/">http://...........:</A> port no. through Mozila , we are getting:</P>
<P> ERROR: Failed to open file.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Please help.</P>
<P>Thanking you.</P>
<P>Apu <BR><BR>**************************************************** <BR>Apu Sarkar <BR>Research Fellow <BR>Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre <BR>Kolkata 700 064 <BR>phone: 91-33-2337-1230 (extn. 3190) <BR>Fax: 91-33-2334-6871 <BR>INDIA <BR>****************************************************<BR><BR></P></BODY>