<div>Dear wien users:</div>
<div> I did a calculation of a supercell with 64 atoms (with spin orbit). The scf is fine but when i try to plot the bandstructure, it is empty!</div>
<div> I did it like this:</div>
<div> x lapw1 -band</div>
<div> x lapwso</div>
<div> x spaghetti -so</div>
<div> then plot the bandstructure,i got nothing.</div>
<div> btw. there is no case.irrep* files.</div>
<div> I notice the begining of the case.outputso files:</div>
<div><font size="2">*********** spin-orbit calculation **************<br> non-spin polarized case<br> LMAX= 4 S-O eigenvectors and eigenvalues<br> Emin= -7.0000 Emax= 3.0000<br> WRONG SYMMETRY<br> atom 3 det
0.00000<br> WRONG SYMMETRY<br> atom 4 det 0.00000<br> WRONG SYMMETRY<br>................................</font></div>
<div><font size="2"></font> </div>
<div><font size="2">I think this may be the reason, but i dont know what it means, </font><font size="2">and the case.error files are all empty.Can anyone give me some suggestion?Thanks very much!</font></div>