<div>Dear Users,<br>I have some questions:</div>
<div><br> </div><strong><font size="4"></font></strong>
<div><font size="4">1.</font> How to get the Electron density differences from Wien2K. <br>For example, GaN with hexagonal structure, </div>
<div>*.struct file:<br><font size="1"><em>GaN-1.23 <br>H LATTICE,NONEQUIV.ATOMS: 2 194 P63/mmc <br>MODE OF CALC=RELA
<br>6.630000 6.630000 8.154900 90.000000 90.000000120.000000 </em></font></div>
<div><font size="1"><em>ATOM -1: X=0.33333333 Y=0.66666667 Z=0.75000000 <br> MULT= 2 ISPLIT= 4 <br> -1: X=0.66666667 Y=0.33333333 Z=0.25000000
<br>N NPT= 781 R0=0.00002000 RMT= 1.5000 Z: 7.0 <br>LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 <br> 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 <br>
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 <br>ATOM -2: X= 0.33333333 Y=0.66666667 Z=0.25000000 <br> MULT= 2 ISPLIT= 4 <br> -2: X=0.66666667 Y=0.33333333 Z=0.75000000
<br>Ga NPT= 781 R0=0.00002000 RMT= 1.9000 Z: 39.0 <br>LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 <br> 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 <br>
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000</em></font> <br><font size="1"><em> 24 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATIONS</em></font> <br> *.in5 file:<br> <font size="1"><em>0 0 0 4
<br> 4 8 0 4 <br> 0 0 8 4 <br> 6 6 6 <br> 100 100 <br> DIFF SUB <br> ANG VAL NODEBUG
<br> ORTHO <br></em></font>But I get the electron density difference all be plus; I think I should subtract the total electron densities of the N and Ga atoms from the bulk, but how can I do?
<p><font size="4">2.</font> If I want to plot the electron density distributions in several energy regions, such as: (1)-16 ~ -15ev, (2) -2 ~ -1ev with respect to EF, which input file should be changed? </p>
<p><font size="4">3.</font> If I want to get the Cohesive Energy of this crystal, I should calculate the total Energy of the bulk GaN, the free Ga and N atom, then E<font size="1">coh</font> = - E<font size="1"> bulk</font>
+ E<font size="1">Ga</font> + E<font size="1">N</font> OR need + E<font size="1">correct</font>? and how to do it?<br>For the binding energy of the N2 dimer, I had found some suggestions in the list, but I still don't know how to set the *.struct file about N2, isn't like the follow:
<br>N-N length is set as 2.08 Bohr! Then RMT=??? <br><font size="1"><em>P LATTICE,NONEQUIV.ATOMS: 2 <br>MODE OF CALC=RELA
<br> 30.000000 30.000000 41.600000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 <br>ATOM -1: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.02500000 <br> MULT= 1 ISPLIT= 4 <br>N 1 NPT= 781 R0=
0.00002000 RMT= ????? Z: 7.0 <br>ATOM -2: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.97500000 <br> MULT= 1 ISPLIT= 4 <br>N 2 NPT= 781 R0=0.00002000 RMT= ????? Z:
7.0 <br></em></font>If the RMT too less, it will be error in lstart! <br>Also I know should set k point to be 1.</p>
<div><font size="4">4.</font> Can someone give me *.klist files template or the high symmetry piont's coordinates of this hexagonal structure and wurize structure use for bandstruct calculation? </div>
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<div> thanks a lot!</div>
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<div> yours, </div>
<div> Guan Pengfei</div>