<div>Dear Steffan</div> <div>thanks a lot for your answer.</div> <div>I 'm not sure does istgen mean to make a change in the file case.inst?I know that in case.inst I just can flip spin.should I do another change in case.inst?I try to explain clear agin for you.</div> <div>I have a unit cell for LaCrO3 with 4 formula unit in ortho structure so I have one type Cr with four position in the unit cell and I want to break this symetry and construct Cr1 with two position and Cr2 with another two position in that unit cell in order to obtain G-type AFM.--> <--</div> <div> <-- --></div> <div>It shows the direction of spins for Cr in unit cell.two arrows in
right direction are for example Cr1 and the two arrows in left direction are Cr2.</div> <div>Do you have any suugestion for constructing this?</div> <div>Regards,</div> <div>Najmeh </div><p> 
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