Hi all,<br>I try to run the test example nifcc. <br>when it comes to lapw1, it return following error:<br> 'INILPW' - can't open unit: 18<br> 'INILPW' - filename: fccni.vsp<br> 'INILPW' - status: old form: formatted
<br> 'LAPW1' - INILPW aborted unsuccessfully.<br>I found that ther is no such a file fccni.vsp generated. But there are some other vsp files(fccni.vsp_st fccni.vspdn fccni.vspdn_st fccni.vspup). So I guess that the fccni.vsp_st
is the right one. Then I copied it to fccni.vsp, restart lapw1, it works. But I'm not sure whether it's correct or not.<br><br>Thank you very much!<br><br>Zhanyu<br><br>