<div>Dear wien Users ;</div> <div> </div> <div>I desired to claculate the MgO elastic constants</div> <div>I used the approach of elastic implemented in Wien</div> <div> </div> <div> I carried out all the steps: </div> <div>1- init_elast</div> <div>2 -elast_elast</div> <div> </div> <div>3- in the last step (ana_elast), I had this error</div> <div>eos_<BR>tetra_<BR>rhomb_<BR> ***************************************<BR> ***************************************<BR> We are calculating elastic tensor for<BR> F Cubic phase:<BR> <BR> At volume:<BR>148.36739 bohr^3 per formula<BR> ***************************************<BR> ***************************************<BR> <BR> <BR> *****************************<BR>Birch Murnaghan fit done</div> <div>At volume= 148.36739 bohr^3<BR>Pressure is: 0.000090
a.u. or 1.322 GPa<BR>Bulk modulus is: 0.013982 a.u or 205.681 GPa=(C11+2C12)/3 <BR> *****************************<BR> <BR>Hit return to continue</div> <div>Segmentation fault</div> <div>**********************************<BR>******** Plotting results ********<BR>**********************************</div> <div>press RETURN to continue</div> <div>Do you want a hardcopy? (y/N)n<BR>press RETURN to continue<BR></div> <div>gnuplot> plot "tetra.strain" title "Data" w p, "tetra.fit" title "Polynomial fit" w l<BR> ^<BR> can't read data file "tetra.strain"<BR> "tempor", line 4: util.c: No such file or directory</div> <div>Do you want a hardcopy? (y/N)n<BR>press RETURN to continue</div> <div>gnuplot> plot "rhomb.strain" title "Data" w p, "rhomb.fit" title "Polynomial
fit" w l<BR> ^<BR> can't read data file "rhomb.strain"<BR> "tempor", line 4: util.c: No such file or directory<BR></div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>thank you for helping me. </div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> <DIV></DIV> <div></div></BLOCKQUOTE><p> 
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