Hello,<br> I am trying to calculate the band structure for Bi with spin orbital coupling. I was searching for the mailing list and am now following the steps proposed there before:<br>1)run_lapw -so<br>2)x lapw1 [-c] -so [-band], etc.
<br> I was able to perform the first step and the calculation converged quite quickly, with no error messages. But when I tried to type in the second command on the command line, I received this error message:<br>"chmod: invalid character 'o' in mode string '-so'"
<br>The same error appears when I type "spaghetti -so".<br>Without the '-so' I then get a bunch of errors saying:<br>"chmod: cannot access 'lapw1': No such file or directory<br> chmod: cannot access '[-c]': No such file or directory
<br> chmod: cannot access '[-band]': No such file or directory",<br>which does not make sense to me since SCF ran quite smoothly.<br> Has anyone ran into this problem before? Any explanation would be much helpful.