Dear wien2k usres;<br><br>I am studying in a system by 4f electron and I need to use "exact electron for correlated electrons" method (EECE). There is a alpha parameter in hybrid function, e.g. E_{xc} = E^{LDA} + alpha ( E^{HF} - E^{LDA} ). In a few references introduced methods to find aphla , using Levy-Gonring perturbations. Please guide me in working with this method.<br>
<br>Thanks <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Hamid Abbaszadeh<br>Tel: +98(411)4209243<br>Mobile: +98(914)4132419<br>Address: Sardroud-Tabriz-IRAN<br> 53618-11398<br>e-mail: <a href=""></a><br>
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