Dear Wien users,<br><br>I am facing troubles with compilation of wien2k8 in parallel mode. Below is the specification of my system as well as the error mensages I have got. <br>My system is a little cluster compound by 7 quad core, 64 bits hardware in which have 8 GB of RAM, runnning rocks 4.3 system. I am using ifort 8.0 with mkl 9.0, mpich-1.2.7, scalapack-1.8, and blacs. Below you can see the part of my Makefile where I set the compiler/library, and after the error mensage I have got. If some one have some suggestion I thanks in advance. On this same system I have the serial version of wien2k8 and parallel version of vasp too.<br>
with best,<br>Nilton<br><br>-----------------------------section of Makefile ------------------------------------<br><br>FC = /opt/intel_fce_80/bin/ifort<br>MPF = /opt/mpich-1.2.1/bin/mpif90<br>CC = cc<br>FOPT = -FR -mp1 -w -xP -prec_div -pc80 -pad -parallel -DINTEL_VML<br>
FPOPT = -FR -mp1 -w -xP -prec_div -pc80 -pad DINTEL_VML<br>DParallel = '-DParallel'<br>FGEN = $(PARALLEL)<br>LDFLAGS = -L/opt/intel_fce_80/lib -lguide -lpthread<br>R_LIBS = -L/opt/intel/mkl/9.0/lib/em64t -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_em64t<br>
C_LIBS = $(R_LIBS)<br>RP_LIBS = $(R_LIBS) -L/usr/local/blacs-wien/lib -lscalapack -lblacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0 \<br>-lblacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0 -lblacs_MPI-LINUX-0 -L/opt/mpich-1.2.1/lib<br><br> <br>---------------------section of error mensages -------------------------<br>
/opt/mpich-1.2.1/bin/mpif90 -o ./lapw1_mpi abc.o atpar.o bandv1.o calkpt.o cbcomb.o coors.o cputim.o dblr2k.o dgeqrl.o dgewy.o dgewyg.o dlbrfg.o dsbein1.o dscgst.o dstebz2.o dsyevx2.o dsymm2.o dsyr2m.o dsyrb4.o dsyrb5l.o dsyrdt4.o dsytrd2.o dsywyv.o dsyxev4.o dvbes1.o eisps.o errclr.o errflg.o forfhs.o gaunt1.o gaunt2.o gbass.o gtfnam.o hamilt.o hns.o horb.o inikpt.o inilpw.o lapw1.o latgen.o lmsort.o locdef.o lohns.o lopw.o matmm.o modules.o nn.o outerr.o outwin.o pdsyevx16.o prtkpt.o prtres.o pzheevx16.o rdswar.o rint13.o rotate.o rotdef.o seclit.o seclr4.o seclr5.o select.o service.o setkpt.o setwar.o sphbes.o stern.o tapewf.o ustphx.o vectf.o warpin.o wfpnt.o wfpnt1.o ylm.o zhcgst.o zheevx2.o zhemm2.o zher2m.o zhetrd2.o pdsyr2m.o pzher2m.o jacdavblock.o make_albl.o global2local.o par_syrk.o my_dsygst.o refblas_dtrsm.o seclit_par.o pdgetrf_my.o pzgetrf_my.o -L/opt/intel_fce_80/lib -lguide -lpthread -L/opt/intel/mkl/9.0/lib/em64t -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_em64t -L/usr/local/blacs-wien/lib -lscalapack -lblacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0 -lblacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0 -lblacs_MPI-LINUX-0 -L/opt/mpich-1.2.1/lib<br>
modules.o(.text+0xfe): In function `parallel_mp_init_parallel_':<br>: undefined reference to `sl_init_'<br>modules.o(.text+0x13c): In function `parallel_mp_init_parallelmatrices_':<br>: undefined reference to `blacs_gridinfo_'<br>
..<br>...<br>...<br>...<br>..<br>/usr/local/blacs-wien/lib/libblacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a(bi_f77_get_constants.o)(.data+0x10): undefined reference to `mpi_null_copy_fn__'<br>make[1]: *** [lapw1_mpi] Error 1<br>make[1]: Leaving directory `/state/partition1/wien2k8/sources/SRC_lapw1'<br>
make: *** [rp] Error 2<br><br><br><br><br>