<DIV><BR>Dear Peter Blaha,
<DIV> I'm sorry to post my email to your private I do some calcultions for the Co4/Cu4/Ni4 superlattices. But the result of the AFM calculation is unpre<BR>dictable. I modify the Ni in *.in1c </DIV>
<DIV> <EM> Ni<BR> Ar 3 5<BR> 3, 2,2.0 N<BR> 3, 2,2.0 N<BR> 3,-3,1.0 N <=== spin flipped<BR> 3,-3,3.0 N <=== spin flipped<BR> 4,-1,1.0 N<BR> 4,-1,1.0 N</EM></DIV>
<DIV><EM> </EM>The moments of the first three Ni layers become negative, but the fourth Ni layer remain plus . I have changed the spin of the Ni atom and the moment must be negative as expected. I try several times and the result remains the same.</DIV>
<DIV> Any suggestion will be ok !</DIV>
<DIV> ljqian<BR></DIV><BR><BR></DIV><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"/><hr/>
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