Hi Blaha,<br><br>There is a paragraph about surface with mBJ in the usersguide.<br>"<br>The TB-mBJ potential uses an average of Drho=rho over the unit cell. This does not make sense for<br>surfaces or molecules. In such cases, run a similar bulk structure first, then cp case bulk.grr to<br>
case.grr and remove case.in0 grr. This runs mBJ with a fixed value of “c”.<br>"<br><br>What does 'a similar bulk structure' mean? Now I want to calculate slab along (111) direction of NaCl<br>structure. At first I converge a mBJ calculation of original NaCl structure with just two atoms. Then <br>
I copy bulk.grr to slab.grr to do the mBJ calculation. However the calculation divergence even if<br>mixer is PRATT with mix beta 0.001. <br><br>May be there is some faults in my calculation. Can you help me?<br><br>Thanks a lot.<br>
<br>Best,<br><br>Yonghong Zhao<br>