Dear Prof. Blaha and Wien2k users,<br><br> I want to generate structure file for LaRhSi3 compounds. This compound is a noncentrosymmetric system.<br>And <b>2 formula unit per cell</b>. <br>But when I am generating the structure, I am getting <b>one formula unit per cel</b>l.<br>
For this what should I do ?<br>Please help me in this regard ?<br>Here I am writing structural details. <br><br>This is having a space group I4mm(107),<br> lattice parameter a= 4.27 A^0, c=9.8292 A^0<br>Atomic position of La = 0, 0, 00265<br>
Rh = 0,0, 0.65771<br> Si1=0,0,0.41350<br> Si2=0,0.5,0.26503<br><br>-- <br>Swetarekha Ram,<br><br><br><br>