<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Dear Wien2k users and developers<br><br></div>I am interested in evaluation of second and third oorder elastic constants.<br></div>I have tried to compile ElaStic 1.0 package using the directions in "README" in ElaStic directory. <br>
<br></div>I have completed the following things<br>1. /home/dir1/dir2/ElaStic <br><style type="text/css">P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }</style>
<p style="margin-bottom:0cm"> 2..$ tar xfvp adon_v1_0.tar.gz
<p style="margin-bottom:0cm"> $ cd SpaceGroups
<p style="margin-bottom:0cm"> $ make
<p style="margin-bottom:0cm"> $ cp sgroup $ElaSticROOT
<div><div><div><div><br></div><div>Now when i am trying the next step ( $ ElaStic_Setup)<br></div><div>It is asking <br><br> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+<br> |*****************************************************************|<br>
|* *|<br> |* WELCOME TO THE ElaStic CODE *|<br> |* ElaStic Version 1.0.0, Release Date: 2012-01-01 *|<br>
|* *|<br> |*****************************************************************|<br> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+<br>
<br> Which DFT code would you like to apply for the calculations? <br> exciting ---------=> 1 <br> WIEN2k ---------=> 2 <br> Quantum ESPRESSO --=> 3<br>
>>>> Please choose (1, 2, or 3): 2<br><br></div><div>I have choose 2. But it is giving the following error<br></div><div>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "ElaStic_Setup_WIEN2k", line 22, in <module><br>
from numpy import *<br>ImportError: No module named numpy.<br><br></div><div>Please help me.<br><br><br></div><div>Kind regard<br></div><div>Rishi<br></div><div><br> </div></div></div></div></div>