<div dir="ltr">Dear Sir,<br><br>I did the calculations on 225 space group compounds as regular methodology in Wien2k such as running volume optimization and Force minimization before going to the final SCF. I have few doubts on the results that i have obtain as written below<div>
<br></div><div>1. I found that total magnetic moment of my structure is 0 uB (Bohr magnetron) which is predicted for my case. But, whenever working with run scf by taking Force optimized case.struct file, i got increased total magnetic moment to -0.00168 uB. So, why this increase in magnetic moment happens, Is there ant correction to be done..?<br>
<br>2. As i already done scf calculations while doing Force minimization, can i use this case.scf file for my further property estimations like..DOS, magnetic moment, band structure and optical properties...etc.....? (Because this struct file have total magnetic moment same as predicted).<br>
<br>3. I have got negative total magnetic moments for some structures, Is that means these structures have anti ferromagnetic ground state..?</div><div><br></div><div>looking forward to your responses.<br><br>thanks in advance<br>
<br>regards,<br>Ch. Venkatesh,<div>C/o. Prof. V. Srinivas,</div><div>Department of Physics & Meteorology,</div><div>IIT Kharagpur.</div><div>ph: +919445909693<br>